Jaye C Blakemore


Jaye C Blakemore

Jaye C Blakemore

Crime Fiction, Suspense, Mystery

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  • Member Since

    Aug 2016

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    08 February

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Having grown up in a small California town, Jaye C. Blakemore’s imagination was always alive and creative. Though she never wrote fiction growing up, she’s always been interested in people and the past. Traveling across the United States, she’s been to every state capital, visited many Civil War battlefields, Arlington National Cemetery where JFK’s grave struck a deep chord within her heart, her love of museums, including The Getty, a favorite because one of Monet’s Rouen Cathedral, a very special painting to Jaye C., which resides within. DOUBLE IDENTITY almost came as an accident, as Jaye C. began to write at night in hotel rooms as she traveled the country. Before she knew it, a book had been written. While more novels on the way, Jaye C. is continuing this new passion and vocation with the same fervor and excitement that art and history fills in her life. In her spare time, Jaye C. enjoys the theatre, salmon fishing, star gazing, and even a little adventure like glacier climbing in Alaska. A people person, Jaye C. has never met a stranger and hopes to connect with her lovely readers in the near future.



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